Miles Platting Satisfaction Survey Results – 2023

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Summary of approach

All results are calculated according to the regulators Tenant Satisfaction Measures guidance. The Tenant Satisfaction Measures Standard requires all registered providers to generate and report tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) as specified by the regulator.

Number of responses: 114
Timing of Survey: October and November 2023
Collection methods: Postal and online survey
Sample method: Census
Summary of representativeness of the sample against the relevant tenant population: N/A
Details of any weighting applied to the reported perception measures: No weighting applied
Type and amount of any incentives offered to tenants to encourage survey completion: Prize draw with 5 winners of £50 shopping vouchers

Demographic analysis

Most (90.4%) of the respondents lived in general needs property and 19.3% (22 respondents) identified themselves as belonging to an ethnic minority group (51.7% non-ethnic minority, 28.9% unknown). The average age of respondents was around 55.1 years, very slightly older than the tenant population in Miles Platting as a whole.

Summary of the key performance indicators

i) Key figures

Figure 1: Key performance indicators

2007 (start of the contract) 2021 2022 2023 Change (07-22) Change (22-23)
Overall satisfaction with service provided


92% 92% 95.37% +18.37% +3.37%
Overall satisfaction with neighbourhood 70% 83% 79% 87.13% +13.13% +8.13%
Satisfaction with opportunities for resident involvement n/a 79% 79% 77.19% na -1.81%

Figures 1 and 2 present three key performance indicators from this years survey compared to those from previous years.  Encouragingly, satisfaction shows a significant increase since Jigsaw North first began managing the properties at Miles Platting with more than an 18% increase in overall satisfaction. 

Figure 2: A chart to display the improvement in satisfaction over the course of the contract

Key findings

Overall service
95.37% of the tenants were satisfied with the overall service provided by Renaissance. Satisfaction was slightly lower amongst respondents from an ethnic minority (80.9% vs 100%) although the small numbers within the ethnic minority category (22 respondents) make it difficult to draw conclusions. There were no noticeable differences by gender, disability or property type.

78.8% of the respondents said that Jigsaw had carried out a repair within their home. Of these, 91.86% said they were satisfied with the overall repairs service provided by Jigsaw in the last 12 months.

All but five of these respondents (94.19%) indicated they were satisfied with the time taken to complete their most recent repair.

All but nine (91.67%) of the respondents said they felt that Jigsaw provided a home that was well maintained and most (88.28%) were satisfied Jigsaw provided a home that was safe. All tenants who indicated they did not feel safe were asked to provide their address if they wished a member of staff to contact them to discuss their concerns.

Satisfaction with home safety was slightly lower amongst respondents from an ethnic minority (81.81% vs 92.86%). There were no noticeable differences by gender, disability or property type.

Jigsaw listens to residents views / Resident involvement
Most (88.99%) of the respondents said they were satisfied that Jigsaw listened to tenants views and acted upon them. This was lower amongst respondents from an ethnic minority (76.19% vs. 91.07%) although again the small numbers of respondents from an ethnic minority make it difficult to draw conclusions.

All but three (89.19%) of the respondents said they were satisfied with the way Jigsaw North kept them informed about things that mattered to them. Satisfaction was similar across the different demographic groups.

The majority (92.10%) felt that Jigsaw North treated them fairly and with respect.

Just over three quarters (77.19%) said they were satisfied with the opportunities available for resident involvement in their area. Again this was slightly lower amongst respondents from an ethnic minority (68.18% vs. 84.75%). There were no noticeable difference by gender.

16 respondents indicated that they had made a complaint to Jigsaw in the last 12 months. Of these, 73% were satisfied with Jigsaw’s approach to complaints handling.

Communal areas
48 respondents said they lived in a property with a communal area that Jigsaw was responsible for maintaining. Of these respondents, most (85.41%) were satisfied with how Jigsaw kept these areas clean and well maintained.

Neighbourhood and ASB
Most (87.13%) felt satisfied that Jigsaw made a positive contribution to their local neighbourhood. This is higher than the proportion who indicated they felt satisfied with their local neighbourhood last year.

Just over three quarters (77.77%) said they were satisfied with Jigsaw’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour. Only four indicated dissatisfaction. When limited to just the ten tenants who said they had reported ASB in the last 12 months, satisfaction increased to 100% (two ‘not applicable’ responses excluded from the overall calculation).

This is an increase on last year where two thirds (66%) of those who had reported ASB said they were satisfied with the way Jigsaw had dealt with this.


A selection of positive feedback from our residents:

“The caretaker for Landos Court is absolutely amazing!!”

 “Jigsaw helped me set up a payment plan due to my rent arrears as I was going to lose my home…I feel better because of my housing officers advice”

 “I love the way Jigsaw Respond to my needs for me and my household.  I’d like to say a big thanks to Jigsaw team for making the environment clean all the time”

Further information

If you have any questions about this research before or after the completed the survey, please email:

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