Pets Policy

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Encouraging Responsible Pet Ownership

Jigsaw Homes encourages responsible pet ownership, welfare and training where appropriate of  pets or other animals to ensure they do not cause a nuisance to others.

We encourage customers to take into account what kind of pet or animal would fit in with their lifestyle and be realistic about their physical abilities when considering getting a pet.

Applying and Seeking Permission for Pets and other Animals

Jigsaw Homes requires all customers to obtain written permission before acquiring a pet(s) or other animal(s). Customers must not keep a pet(s) or animal(s) without written consent from Jigsaw Homes.

When giving consent, we will consider:

  • the type of pet
  • suitability of the accommodation for the pet
  • the number of pets at the property
  • the local area.

We expect our customers to abide by certain terms and conditions depending on their accommodation and the type of pet.  This is to ensure the welfare of the pet and to prevent pets from becoming a nuisance.

When deciding how many pets or animals can be kept at a property, we will consider whether the space or facilities allow for proper care to ensure the welfare of the pet or animal.

Definition of Pets
Domestic pets include: dogs, cats, small caged birds, rodents, fish, house rabbits, non‐venomous insects and non‐venomous reptiles, such as a non‐venomous snake,
terrapin or tortoise and non‐ poisonous insect or amphibian, such as a newt.

Non‐domestic pets include: chickens, ducks, pigeons and bees. When giving consent for non‐domestic pets, Jigsaw Homes will take into account the local
circumstances including geographical and physical constraints, and the views of adjoining neighbours.

Assistive Animal ‐ an animal which provides assistance, service, or support to a person with disabilities and which is needed as a reasonable accommodation to such
individual with disabilities (for example, a dog guiding an individual with impaired vision or alerting an individual with impaired hearing).

Suitability of pets
Applications to keep uncaged animals will be considered on an individual basis; however this will be dependent on a number of factors including:

  • Size and suitability of accommodation
  • Type, breed and size of the animals
  • Availability of garden or proximity of other exercise and toileting area
  • History of any previous or current pet ownership
  • Ability of the customer to ensure the welfare of the animals.

Agreement and conditions to keep pets
Agreement for customers to keep pets will be in the form of an agreement letter adhering to include the following conditions:

  1. Customers are responsible for the behaviour of any pets owned by themselves or by anyone visiting or living with them. They must ensure that pets are supervised, kept under control and do not cause nuisance or annoyance to neighbours and visitors; including fouling, excessive or continuous noise and odours. Dogs must always be kept on a lead when visiting common areas or Jigsaw Homes Group owned grounds and are not allowed outside a customer’s property unaccompanied unless within an enclosed garden area.
  2. Customers must ensure their pets do not cause damage or deterioration to their home; their neighbour’s property; any other Jigsaw Homes owned property; any common parts, any garden or landscaped area. Jigsaw Homes will require that any such damage is either made good by the customer or it will be treated as a rechargeable repair.
  3. Customers are responsible for cleaning up faeces of their pets immediately.
  4. Jigsaw Homes will reserve the right to withdraw any permission and require the removal of a pet which is causing nuisance, damage or is uncontrolled and the customer has either been unable to remedy the situation or has refused to take any remedial action. Replacement of pets or future pet ownership in these circumstances will require written consent.
  5. Customers are legally responsible for the health and welfare of any pet and they must ensure it has a suitable environment; a suitable diet; receives sufficient exercise; is able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns; and is protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease. The animal’s need to be housed with or apart from other animals should also be considered.
  6. Customers must ensure that their pet receives veterinary attention where necessary, standard routine healthcare, such as vaccinations and regular parasite control measures, as well as appropriate treatment for any illness(es). All animals that are large enough should be micro chipped.
  7. Customers must make suitable provision for a pet should they become unable to take care of it, either on a temporary or permanent basis. In such circumstances, if this is not in place, Jigsaw Homes will contact the appropriate authorities to arrange for the care of a pet. i.e. RSPCA. The customer will be recharged for all costs incurred.
  8. Customers must not normally leave any uncaged animal(s) alone in the property for any length of time if they are away, and never overnight, unless clear, suitable  arrangements have been made to provide adequate care.
  9. Customers are prohibited from breeding or selling animals on a commercial basis from any Jigsaw Homes owned property or premises.
  10. Customers are prohibited from keeping venomous reptiles in any Jigsaw Homes owned property or premises.
  11. Customers wishing to construct outside accommodation for a pet must apply for prior written permission from Jigsaw Homes. This would be applicable and approved only where a Jigsaw Homes’ property has a garden for a customer’s sole use. Any such application must include details of the species of animal.
  12. Customers must indemnify Jigsaw Homes against any cost, claims, demands and liabilities which may arise as a result of granting and keeping animals in the property.
  13. Where it is Jigsaw Homes’ opinion that a customer is unable to look after the welfare of a pet and fulfil their responsibility for keeping it under control, permission will not be granted.
  14. Jigsaw Homes may consider any history of pet ownership the customer may have in any other tenancy with Jigsaw or that with any other landlord, when reaching a decision. Permission may be refused where records show a previous history of neglect or cruelty; or instances of irresponsible pet ownership, such as failure to control an animal. If a customer is found to be keeping an uncaged pet(s) without Jigsaw Homes’ permission, then they must apply in writing within two weeks.
  15. Where permission is granted, the customer must agree to abide by the conditions set out within the acceptance letter. Where permission is refused, the customer must re‐home the pet within two weeks.
  16. Jigsaw Homes will reserve the right to impose any other condition on a specific case where, it is felt to be appropriate in the interests of other customers, staff or the animal(s) itself.

Assistance Animals
Written permission is required for registered assistance animals as Jigsaw Homes requires the details of all assistance animals. Customers with assistance animals are also responsible for their animal’s behaviour and its welfare.

Suitable Types of Pets and Accommodation

When giving consent Jigsaw Homes will take into account the following guidance and consider any exceptional circumstances.

Type of accommodation Pets usually permitted
Properties with their own access: Up to 2 uncaged domestic animals such as dogs or cats, small caged birds, rodents, house rabbits, fish, non‐venomous insects and non‐venomous reptiles.

Properties with access via communal areas: Small caged birds, rodents, house rabbits, fish, non‐venomous insects and non‐venomous reptiles.

Properties with suitable outside space: where facilities exist for proper care Chickens, rabbits, ducks, pigeons and bees.

Independent Living Accommodation: n/a

Independent Living properties with access via communal areas: Small caged birds, rodents and fish, non‐venomous insects and non‐venomous reptiles.

Independent Living properties with their own access and private outdoor space: Up to 2 uncaged domestic animal such as dogs or cats, small caged birds, rodents and fish, non‐venomous insects and non‐venomous reptiles.

Independent Living properties with their own access but with shared outdoor space: Small caged birds, rodents and fish, non‐venomous insects and non‐venomous reptiles.

Properties with Own Access
Customers, both new and existing, must request written permission from Jigsaw Homes to keep up to 2 uncaged domestic animals, such as a dog or cat, or for any exotic species of animal. Permission must also be sought for fish tanks with a volume of 33 gallons (155 litres) or more and for more than one fish tank under 33 gallons.

Written permission is not required for small caged animals and birds or for 1 fish tank under 33 gallons (155 litres).

Properties with Access via Communal Areas
Permission will not be granted for uncaged animals such as a dog or cat in non‐designated communal accommodation except in the case of assistance dogs.

In exceptional cases Jigsaw Homes may grant permission following consultation with other customers of the block.

Written permission must be requested for all exotic pets.

Written permission must be sought for fish tanks with a volume of 33 gallons (155 litres) or more and for more than one fish tank under 33 gallons

Written permission is not required for small caged animals and birds or for 1 fish tank under 33 gallons (155 litres).

Reasons for Refusal

Jigsaw Homes will not refuse permission without good reason but reserve the right to withdraw any permission granted in the following circumstances:‐

  1. Where a customer has been negligent in their care of a pet; or where a customer can no longer meet the basic welfare needs of a pet, and is unable to or has refused to make alternative arrangements for its care.
  2. Customers who live in high rise flats or Independent Living accommodation will not be permitted to keep dogs, with the exception of assistance dogs.
  3. Permission will not be granted for uncaged animals, that is a dog or cat, in non‐designated communal accommodation, except in the case of an assistance dog.
  4. Permission will not be granted for a customer to keep or replace a pet where the property or environment is unsuitable.
  5. Jigsaw Homes will not provide consent for customers to keep a dog or allow a dog to visit their home where the dog is classified as dangerous under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
  6. Jigsaw Homes will not provide consent for customers to keep any animal which is classified as dangerous under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976.
  7. Customers must not keep or allow to be kept at the property any pet(s) or animal(s) which through continuous or excessive noise, number, behaviour or smell, frightens, cause nuisance or annoyance to other persons in the local area.
  8. Jigsaw Homes will not provide consent for customers to keep or allow to be kept at the property, any pets or animals where the space or facilities do not allow for proper care. Permission will not be granted for a customer to keep livestock or farm animals; for example sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, horses, ducks or ferrets.

Hens and Rabbits
Section 12 of the Allotments Act 1950 overrides Jigsaw Homes’ tenancy conditions and states the abolition of contractual restrictions on keeping hens and rabbits:‐

  1. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in any lease or tenancy or in any covenant contract or undertaking relating to the use to be made [of any land], it [shall be lawful for the occupier of any land to keep, otherwise than by way of trade or business, hens or rabbits in any place on the land] and to erect or place and maintain such building or structures on the land as are reasonably necessary for that purpose.

Provided that nothing in this subsection shall authorise any hens or rabbits to be kept in such a place or in such a manner as to be [prejudicial to health or a nuisance] or affect the operation of any enactment.

Jigsaw Homes’ customers are therefore permitted to keep hens and rabbits in their gardens however; this is subject to it not being prejudicial to health and not causing nuisance. Customers wishing to keep hens and rabbits must provide details of the number they wish to keep, the structures or buildings to be used to house them, copies of either the planning permission for the buildings and/or structures or a letter from the Local Authority that planning permission is not required and written confirmation from the Local Authority to say that they are satisfied with the living condition and the venue of the hens and/or rabbits. Customers must to notify Jigsaw Homes if they cease to keep the hens and/or rabbits and make good the garden.

Managing Pet Issues

In instances of customers being placed in emergency or temporary housing due to major repair, damage or danger to the property or the customer and being unable to take their pet(s) with them, Jigsaw Homes will support them in sourcing suitable accommodation for the animal(s) with the appropriate bodies.

We will support pet owners and provide information on pet and animal care to support responsible pet ownership.

Where we receive complaints about a customer’s pet or other animal, we will investigate the complaint and work with the customer to resolve the issue.

If we have reason to believe that any pets or other animals are being neglected we will work with other agencies to assess whether they have been neglected, and we will serve a notice on the customer to remove some or all of them permanently.

Where customers allow their pets to cause a nuisance, or keep a pet without our permission, we will work with the customer to resolve the issue and may serve a notice on the customer to remove any animal from the customer’s home permanently.

If we think that the number of animals kept at a customer’s home is unreasonable, we will serve a notice on the customer to remove some or all of them permanently.

Pets Kept Without Permission

Where customers are keeping pets without permission, consideration should be given to whether Jigsaw Homes would have given permission. If yes, then provided the conditions for keeping a pet are accepted retrospective permission can be given.

If permission was previously refused or where permission would be refused the customer will be visited and explanation provided as to why the pet should be removed. This should be confirmed in writing and a timescale set for the pet’s removal of 2 weeks.

If the animal is not removed Jigsaw Homes will investigate any issues raised according to Breach of Tenancy Procedures, and/or the Complaints Policy as appropriate. Where a complaint is upheld following investigation, the customer will be given the opportunity to rectify the situation, and undertake remedial action as agreed with Jigsaw Homes.

Withdrawal of Permission

Jigsaw Homes will aim to ensure that customers receive advice and support on pet management issues necessary to help them keep their pet and resolve any problems to the satisfaction of all parties concerned.

However, Jigsaw Homes will reserve the right to withdraw its permission and require the removal of a pet where remedial action fails to resolve an issue and no other solution is available. In such cases, the customer must make arrangements for the pet’s permanent removal from the property within two weeks of the permission being withdrawn.

Legal action to end a tenancy would only be taken as a last resort where a customer refused to co‐operate to address concerns in relation to a pet; or where a problem could not be managed and no other course of action was available.

If a customer faces eviction, every effort would be made to determine the presence of a pet or pet(s) and ensure the customer had made suitable arrangements for them. However, if pets were found to have been left behind in a property, Jigsaw Homes would contact the appropriate authorities to arrange for their safe removal and care. The same action would apply in the case of abandonment. The customer will be recharged for all costs incurred.

If it has been found that a customer has neglected a pet’s welfare, or mistreated or caused unnecessary suffering to a pet, then Jigsaw Homes will notify the appropriate authorities. Where this is brought to the attention of Jigsaw Homes by a third party, then they will also be advised to report it to the appropriate authorities. In such cases, permission to keep a pet in a Jigsaw Homes property may be withdrawn.

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