
Scrutiny Panel: Damp and Mould

Scrutiny Panel: Damp and Mould

We work together with residents to shape our priorities through an active consultation process via Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny panel.

Our resident scrutiny panel recently met for their final meeting as part of the Damp and Mould scrutiny.

The panel, made up of nine Jigsaw Rewards members from across our regions, have been meeting over the past few months to examine the organisation’s policies, processes and procedures in relation to damp and mould.

The panel has overseen the Internal Audit team’s investigation and closely reviewed the results. Views of an additional 160 residents were gathered via a Jigsaw Rewards survey.

Their findings and recommendations will now be presented to the Executive Management Team and the Risk and Audit Committee (Group Board sub-committee.) Once this is complete the report will be made available for all residents to see.

If you would like to find out more about resident scrutiny and how to get involved please visit

For more opportunities to have a say on our services, all while earning vouchers or money off your rent please join Jigsaw Rewards: