

The Board of Beech Housing Association Limited would like to consult its tenants and leaseholders about a proposed merger with Adactus Housing Association Limited. Both housing associations are members of the Jigsaw Homes Group Limited. The merger is part of a bigger proposal to bring together four members of the Jigsaw Homes Group Limited – Adactus Housing Association Limited, Beech Housing Association Limited, Chorley Community Housing Limited and Aksa Housing Association Limited – to be called Jigsaw Homes North.

The legal mechanism for merging Beech with Adactus is known as a ‘transfer of engagements’. The merger is subject to obtaining the necessary legal and other consents, including considering the views of tenants and leaseholders. We would like to hear your views on the proposal.

Although Beech and Adactus are planning to merge, your rights as a tenant or leaseholder are unaffected by the merger:

  • your tenancy or lease is not affected;
  • your rent will not change;
  • you will continue to receive services from us in the same way that you do now.

This FAQ document available here>> provides more information about individual aspects of your tenancy. Please read it carefully.


If you wish to comment on the proposal please respond to this consultation in one of the following ways:



  • writing to The Governance Team, Jigsaw Homes Group Limited, Cavendish 249, Cavendish Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AT.

by no later than Friday 12 February 2021.

If you are content with the proposal, you do not need to do anything.

You can also contact us on 0300 111 1133 if you require more information. Subject to obtaining the necessary consents, Beech is aiming to merge with Adactus Housing Association Limited
on or around 31 March 2021.